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Is there something more out there for us?

I have recently found myself contemplating the idea of if there is something more out there for us. What I mean by this statement is not whether or not there are other forms of life or even the meaning of life itself.


It concerns itself, from my perspective, with the thirst for adventure and the pursuit of understanding other people and cultures different from ours to help shape and ‘complete’ our own lives.


I recently touched on living life in our own bubble. There are endless benefits of doing this, from proximity to family, familiarity with surroundings, and enhanced support systems among other things. One thing that is impossible to fully capture by existing in this bubble is to help us answer whether there actually is more out there for us.


Is there another person, religion, culture, way of life or pursuit that we have never been introduced to that could impact our own lives in a substantial way?


Is there a moment that can shape the path and happiness in our own lives?


Can we ever be sure that there will be a moment of complete clarity that in turn makes this question worthy of asking? If not, why bother contemplating or even searching?


Is it enough to have simply extended ourselves in our own way and be satisfied that we gave ourselves a chance to answer the question?


I believe that there may never be an epiphany or an “ah ha” moment. There may never be that lightbulb ding go off in my head. What I am convinced of is that the collection of experiences and tribulations in search of this question will be as worthy as ever finding the answer.


Love is perhaps the most enviable and daunting and shattering emotion of them all. It makes us sob uncontrollably and teeter dangerously. Does finding love ‘outside our bubble’, a true love, constitute answering the question if there is more out there for us? Maybe that will be enough, maybe it wont. Knowing that I looked, I tried, I failed, I experienced and I jumped is enough for me.


I am sure this question, is there something more out there for us? is presented in different ways and many of us have tackled with it before or will do so in the future. Knowing how to look will be different for all of us, knowing why we are even searching will contain different perspectives for all of us and the satisfaction in doing so may not come how we expected or even register with us until a time we never anticipated.


Taking a mid week Spanish class or a driving around a foreign country with your best friend. Backpacking around Europe or taking a semester abroad. Finding new roommates or taking that risky job as opposed to the ‘normal’ job. Anything, all around us may constitute your search and I implore you to take it on. Who knows where it shall lead. There are no right or wrong answers. There are no winners or losers.


Is there something more out there for us?


I will let you know.


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